In-Person Courses
Beginner's Course $415 *
Classroom Only $150 *
Behind the Wheel Only $310 *
NOTICE: Prices shown with registration include credit/debit card processing fees. If you pay in person with check or money order, payments will remain as listed above.
(Cash not accepted)

Beginner's Course
A 30 hour course on a set schedule with 12 hours (6 hours driving and 6 hours observation) of behind the wheel lessons for students under the age of 18. The physically signed copy of the contract and payment must be turned into the Onalaska office before the first day of class. With this course the student will take the knowledge and signs tests in class. Behind the wheel lessons are scheduled after the student receives their permit.

Classroom Only
A 30 hour course on a set schedule. The physically signed copy of the contract and payment must be turned into the Onalaska office before the first day of class. Behind the wheel would be taken with another school. MV3001 form will be give to the student by the school giving the behind the wheel lessons.

Behind The Wheel Only
12 hours (6 hours driving and 6 hours observation) of behind the wheel lessons with a licensed instructor for students under the age of 18. Once we have received the physically signed contract, payment, and the course completion we will send the MV3001 form for the permit. Lessons will be scheduled after you notify us the student has received their permit.

Beginner's Course

Zoom Beginner's Driver Course
Dates to be determined

Sparta Beginner's Driver Course
Dates to be determined

Onalaska Beginner's Driver Course
Dates to be determined